Development Opportunities
Plymouth is amid a massive investment programme worth circa £800m in the next 5 years. The city has attracted significant amounts of investment in recent years from both the private and public sectors, bringing forward key leisure offerings such as, the Barcode, and the cultural flagship, The Box, as well as commercial developments in the form of Oceansgate, industrial space at Langage and the Barrack Court Developments in Derriford area.
Current development projects include the multi-million-pound railway station improvements to enhance this key gateway to the city, city centre public realm improvements, the Derriford district centre and the redevelopment of Colin Campbell Court to name a few.
Jump to: In the pipeline | Feasibility | Planning | Consented | Under Construction
In the pipeline

Cornwall Street East
Allocated for retail led mixed use, including multi-storey car parking and housing on upper floors. Provision is made for in the order of 92 homes.

Cornwall Street West
Allocated for mixed use, including commercial and housing, retention of coach station and new multi-storey car parks accessed from Mayflower Street.

Royal Assurance Site
Allocated for retail led mixed use through sensitive refurbishment and extension of the existing buildings of high quality, including housing on upper floors.

Sutton Road West
Allocated for residential-led mixed use development, providing opportunities for offices, hotel, leisure and small scale retail uses.

Stonehouse Barracks
Allocated for a mixed use development, the final nature, form and scale of which is determined following the completion of a detailed assessment of the site's heritage assets and the preparation of a masterplan.

Glacis Park
Allocated for mixed use development, including incorporating residential uses and also providing for a range of other uses

Arts University Plymouth
High quality education-led mixed-use campuses, including arts and cultural uses, incubator units / managed workspace for start-up businesses and creative industries, and other complementary uses.
Sites which are at the feasibility stage represent those where more detailed work has already begun to explore the development opportunity the site presents, to realise their potential in the growth of the city.

New George Street West
Allocated for retail led mixed use through sensitive refurbishment and extension of the existing buildings of high quality, including housing on upper floors.

Land at Tavistock Place / Chapel Street
Allocated for The Box, together with a higher education and/or business-led mixed use development on Tavistock Place / Chapel Street with enabling student housing development in cluster flat format.

Plymouth Marjon University
The improvement and expansion of the Marjon campus will be supported to enable the University to realise its ambitions for growth and to deliver the key strategic sports hub in the north of Plymouth.

Plymouth Register Office
Allocated for retail led mixed use, including multi-storey car parking and housing on upper floors.

Land north of Cliff Road
Allocated for hotel led mixed use regeneration, including housing and potentially complementary uses which supports the tourist function of area.

Bath Street East (Main Pavilions Site)
Allocated for a comprehensive mixed-use redevelopment. Uses which will be supported include residential, arena facilities, offices, small scale retail, hotel, leisure, cultural and community uses.
Sites at planning stage are those projects which have been developed in detail and have entered the Planning Application Process, and are being formally considered by Plymouth City Council.

Fish Quay
Allocated for the enhancement of the existing fish quay and market, with complementary retail, education and leisure related uses.

Millbay Waterfront
Development will create a new sustainable mixed use neighbourhood which meets the needs of the new community as well as acting as a major destination and attractive international gateway.

Allocated for the development enhancement and a range of other uses including a Community Park, playing pitches, a primary school, healthcare, and ecological and biodiversity enhancements.
Consented sites are those projects where planning consent has been granted for their future redevelopment and the next stages of project delivery are able to begin (subject to any planning requirements being discharged).

Colin Campbell Court
Allocated for high-quality residential led mixed use development which will transform the western approach to the City Centre and establish a new residential community.

Land at Royal Parade (between Armada Way and Old Town Street)
The buildings fronting Old Town Street and Royal Parade to be refurbished to update and expand the retail spaces and attract new complementary uses to the upper floors.

Mayflower Street East
Allocated for an office led mixed use development, with active ground floor uses (retail / food and drink) and student accommodation as enabling development.

Sub Site Mayflower House
Allocated for an office led mixed use development, with active ground floor uses (retail/food and drink) and student accommodation as enabling development.

Land at 19, The Crescent
Allocated for mixed use development which could support a range of uses including small scale retail, leisure, a quality hotel, offices and a range of housing.

Civic Centre and Council House Site
Providing new opportunities, through the retention of civic functions, the reuse of the existing buildings, and the delivery of new development on the existing surface level car park.

Drake's Island
Allocated for heritage-led regeneration compatible with the natural and built heritage of the site, including the provision of a new hotel and associated visitor facilities and marine/natural environment-related research and development.
Under Construction
Sites which are under construction have previously successfully had planning consent granted for the future development, and are in the process of the development being delivered on the ground.

Railway Station
Allocated allocated for a mixed-use regeneration scheme that delivers a high quality gateway and arrival point to the city and increases the capacity of the station to accommodate increasing numbers of passengers.

University of Plymouth
Allocated for mixed use, including commercial and housing, retention of coach station and new multi-storey car parks accessed from Mayflower Street.

Derriford Commercial Centre
Allocated for retail led mixed use through sensitive refurbishment and extension of the existing buildings of high quality, including housing on upper floors.

Provision is made for 5,500 new homes 4,254 of which are anticipated to be delivered within the plan period) and 67,000 sq.m. of employment floorspace.