University of Plymouth
University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, Devon, PL4 8AA
University of Plymouth and Arts University Plymouth should continue to evolve as high quality education-led mixed-use campuses, including arts and cultural uses, incubator units / managed workspace for start-up businesses and creative industries, and other complementary uses. Purpose built student accommodation will be permitted where fully justified by evidence of need and targeted to deliver regeneration benefits, as provided for in Policies PLY6 and DEV12.
Site Information
SITE AREA: 10.46 ha
OWNERSHIP: University of Plymouth.
EXISTING USE: University campus including teaching and research space, staff and student facilities, a gallery and other areas of public use.
Joint Local Plan Allocation & Expectations PLY17
Summary of uses: masterplanning of university campus to ensure the site integrates well with city center, to include high quality sustainable buildings and spaces, better connectivity and to ensure that the university remains attractive to potential students.
Development Progress with University Masterplan
- Planning consent for change of use of former Plymouth Mail Centre for education use to allow decanting from main campus.
- Masterplan and public realm plan prepared for the University campus.
- Planning application and S73 approved for Intercity House at the Railway Station which will provide extra space for the University.
- Planning permission granted for relocation of waste sorting and storage to Scott Building Yard to facilitate Babbage redevelopment (now implemented).
- Planning Permission and S73 granted for major redevelopment of the Babbage building to create a New Engineering and Design Facility (works commenced).
- First phase of 'Campus Presence' landscape works consented and under construction.
Plymouth City Council Next Steps
- Proactively assist the University and their consultants through a PPA.
- Discharge remaining planning conditions on the 'NEDF' and Intercity Place developments and deal with any construction issues.
- Secure a scheme through the creation of a new access via Portland Villas to improve the relationship of the campus to North Cross Roundabout and Armada Way (pre-app due in).
- Determine minor applications to allow for public realm and wayfinding improvements to the campus
- Support the University in review of their Masterplan to align with revised business plan, including encouraging the addition of further 'layers' such as tree planting and environmental improvement areas; district energy and SuDs.
- Encourage pre-app for new urban park, and other sites coming forward
If you would like to find out more information about this development, please get in touch.