Stonehouse Barracks
Durnford Street, Stonehouse, Plymouth, Devon, PL1 3QS
Land at Stonehouse Barracks is allocated for a mixed use development, the final nature, form and scale of which is determined following the completion of a detailed assessment of the site's heritage assets and the preparation of a masterplan. Subject to confirmation through this process, provision is made for 400 new homes. Other uses to be provided as part of the mix include appropriate local facilities to support the new and existing residents and to enhance the sustainability of the existing area, with opportunity also to provide a high quality hotel with facilities to support local businesses and event, and small scale retail and office uses.
Site Information
SITE AREA: 7.93 ha
EXISTING USE: Defence Estate
Joint Local Plan Allocation PLY32
Mixed use development, final nature form and scale to be determined following completion of detailed assessment of heritage assets and preparation of masterplan. Potential provision of: 400 new homes, supporting infrastructure, high quality hotel, small scale retail and office use.
Development Progress
- Initial discussions with MoD regarding site disposal.
- Engagement with MoD to inform Joint Local Plan Policy Allocation
Plymouth City Council Next Steps
- Await confirmation of MoD site disposal –anticipated in 2023-2027.
- Consider site opportunity potential through Master Plan or detailed Site Planning Statements
- Enter into pre-application discussions to deliver site along with JLP policy aspirations.
If you would like to find out more information about this development, please get in touch.