Seaton Neighbourhood
Seaton Neighbourhood, Plymouth, Devon
The LPA supports the implementation of the existing planning permissions and strategic masterplan relating to the strategic development proposals for Seaton Neighbourhood, including a western extension of the site adjacent to Charlton Crescent. Development will create a new sustainable mixed use neighbourhood, located either side of the new Forder Valley Link Road, as part of the new heart for the north of Plymouth. The proposals provide for 933 new homes together with a new local centre to serve the neighbourhood and employment opportunities in the form of 8,000 sq.m. B1 business space. Any significant changes to the approved schemes will need to be supported by a revised strategic masterplan.
Site Information
SITE AREA: 25.83 ha
DEVELOPER: Persimmon Homes
EXISTING USE: Undeveloped land
Joint Local Plan Allocation PLY40
Mixed use development to include 873 dwellings, business floorspace, non-residential institutions, commercial floorspace including retail and food & drink establishments, plus construction of a new link road and bridge across the Forder Valley.
DELIVERY TRAJECTORY: In delivery (approx. 200 dwellings)
Development Progress
- Outline Consent Granted in 2013 for Seaton Neighbourhood.
- Phases 5 and 7 completed.
- St Matthew’s School has been constructed.
- Eastern half of High Street element of Forder Valley Link Road (FVLR) approved and under construction.
- Forder Valley Link Road consented and under construction
- Phases 6a and 9 consented and under construction
Plymouth City Council Next Steps
- Complete the discharge of conditions relating to Phase 9 consent.
- Proactively support developer through pre-application process for future phases, including a Planning Performance Agreement, to secure full delivery of the site.
- Discharge of conditions relating to the various reserved matters including the FVLR.
If you would like to find out more information about this development, please get in touch.