Bath Street East (Pavilions Car Park Site)
Pavilions Car Park Site, Bath Street, Plymouth, Devon, PL1 3LF
Land at Bath Street East is allocated for a comprehensive mixed-use redevelopment. Uses which will be supported include residential, arena facilities, offices, small scale retail, hotel, leisure, cultural and community uses. Provision is made for 323 new homes.
Site Information
SITE AREA: 2.3 ha
OWNERSHIP: Akkeron group primary owner of Pavilions additional part in separate ownership of Vastint
EXISITNG USE: Pavilions leisure centre and carpark
Joint Local Plan Allocation PLY31
Mix use residential lead development, including arena facilities, office, small scale retail, hotel, leisure cultural and community uses and 323 new homes
Development Progress Pavilion Car Park Site
- Planning permission (18/01014/OUT) and subsequent 19/01859/S73 granted for 200 room hotel and residential on the car park site.
- Detailed plans for Boulevard public realm developed and in delivery.
- Further amendments have been considered through pre-app and a S73 application to enable delivery.
- Pre commencement conditions discharged and works have started on site.
Plymouth City Council Next Steps
- Support developer through construction process
- Engage in and positively manage pre-application and application for reserved matters for residential development.
If you would like to find out more information about this development, please get in touch.