Mayflower Street East
Mayflower Street, City Centre, Plymouth, Devon, PL11QJ
Site Information
SITE AREA: 0.66ha
OWNERSHIP: Multiple, including L&UK Property (Mayflower House)
EXISTING USE: Retail and Offices (partly vacant).
Joint Local Plan Allocation PLY9
Offices (c.34,000 sq m) with active ground floor uses (retail / food and drink) enabled by student accommodation.
Development Progress (Wider Site)
- Mayflower House consent granted (15/01622/FUL) and soft strip has commenced in preparation for full demolition.
- Pre-application enquiry for revised scheme (Hotel, student accommodation and office mixed use) for Mayflower House processed.
- City Centre Masterplan established development potential of wider site which is now set out in JLP policy
Plymouth City Council Next Steps (Wider Site)
- Identify and approach additional landowners to establish potential options to deliver wider JLP Policy aspirations.
If you would like to find out more information about this development, please get in touch.