Sub Site Mayflower House
Mayflower Street East, City Centre, Plymouth, Devon, PL11QJ
Land at Mayflower Street East is allocated for an office led mixed use development, with active ground floor uses (retail / food and drink) and student accommodation as enabling development. Provision is made for in the order of 34,000 sq.m. of B1 offices.
Joint Local Plan Allocation PLY9
Offices (c.34,000 sq m) with active ground floor uses (retail/food and drink) enabled by student accommodation.
Existing Use
Retail and Offices (partly vacant).
Development Progress (Mayflower House)
- Consent granted (15/01622/FUL)
- Property vacated and internal soft strip commenced in preparation for full demolition.
- Pre-application for revisions to scheme considered.
Plymouth City Council Next Steps
- Determine future Planning Application.
- Process Condition discharges and other applications require through construction
If you would like to find out more information about this development, please get in touch.