Colin Campbell Court
Colin Campbell Court, City centre, Plymouth, Devon, PL1 1TZ
Land at Colin Campbell Court is allocated for high-quality residential led mixed use development which will transform the western approach to the City Centre and establish a new residential community. Provision is made for in the order of 300 new homes as part of this mix.
Site Information
SITE AREA: 2.27 ha
OWNERSHIP: Multiple including Plymouth City Council/Homes England (PH1), Plymouth Community Homes and Others
EXISTING USE: Car parking, retail, residential
Joint Local Plan Allocation PLY7
Residential-led mixed use circa 300+ dwellings including retention/refurbishment of Colin Campbell House
DELIVERY TRAJECTORY: Anticipated phased delivery 2025-2033
Development Progress
- Planning Permission granted for new Community Diagnostic Centre on site
- Phase 1 (1.035ha) land assembly with Homes England
- Pedestrian foot bridges removed and new Crossing being delivered
- Land Release Grant has been used to fund some demolition (109, 111, 113 New George St, 18 Western Approach) and provide replacement car parking at Western Approach (GF).
Plymouth City Council Next Steps
- Facilitate delivery of new Community Diagnostic Centre through supporting NHS during construction and condition determination process
- Developing Master Plan for future development potential for the wider Colin Campbell Court Site as comprehensive new part of the City Centre.
- Support Economic Development with process of improving Colin Campbell House as part of the wider Colin Campbell Court Redevelopment
If you would like to find out more information about this development, please get in touch.