Bath Street West
Bath Street, City centre, Plymouth, Devon, PL1 3LF
Land at Bath Street West is allocated for a comprehensive residential-led mixed-use redevelopment. Uses which will be supported include residential, offices, small scale retail, cultural and community uses. Provision is made for 300 new homes.
Site Information
SITE AREA: 1.19 ha
OWNERSHIP: Plymouth City Council is primary owner and additional parts in multiple ownership
EXISITNG USE: Temporary surface level car park, number of individual commercial uses
Joint Local Plan Allocation PLY30
USE: mix use, residential lead development including 300 new homes with small scale retail, cultural and community uses
Development Progress
- Large areas of site purchased with Homes England support and cleared for redevelopment.
- Two Trees Public House, and Western Approach foot bridge and tower demolished.
- Public Realm scheme for Millbay Boulevard delivered.
- Working with Homes England and PCC Economic Development Department to deliver the site.
- PCH appointed as development partner for site and pre-application completed reference: 22/00900/CONF which is available to view on the planning section of the Plymouth City Council website.
- PCH submitted planning application reference: 22/02109/FUL which is currently pending determination.
Plymouth City Council Next Steps
- Work with development partner through planning application process to deliver scheme in line with JLP policy aspirations.
If you would like to find out more information about this development, please get in touch.