PLY10 Cornwall Street East
Cornwall Street East, City Centre, Plymouth, Devon, PL1 1QH
Land at Cornwall Street East is allocated for retail led mixed use, including multi-storey car parking and housing on upper floors. Provision is made for in the order of 92 homes.
Site Information
SITE AREA: 1.17 ha
EXISTING USE: Mixed commercial/retail and residential, and multi-storey car park
Joint Local Plan Allocation PLY10
Mix use redevelopment for 92 homes, retail and car parking.
Development Progress
- City Centre Masterplan established development potential as set out in JLP policy for the site;
- Good companions pub demolished, site hoarding erected and planning application granted.
Plymouth City Council Next Steps
- Continue to work with owners of former Good Companions pub to facilitate delivery of a revised mixed office/commercial and student housing scheme.
- Engage with wider site land owners to understand their aspirations and consider scope for individual redevelopment or comprehensive scheme in line with JLP Policy.
- Positively manage pre-applications and applications.
If you would like to find out more information about this development, please get in touch.