Drake's Island
Drake's Island, Plymouth Sound, Plymouth, Devon
Land at Drake's Island is allocated for heritage-led regeneration compatible with the natural and built heritage of the site, including the provision of a new hotel and associated visitor facilities and marine/natural environment-related research and development.
Site Information
SITE AREA: 2.79 ha
OWNERSHIP: Guardian Industries UK
EXISTING USE: Not in active use
Joint Local Plan Allocation PLY35
Heritage led regeneration, including new hotel and visitor facilities
DELIVERY TRAJECTORY: Uncertain due to marketing of property
Development Progress
- Extensive planning support to bring forward redevelopment
- Planning permission and Listed Building Consent has been granted for the site, including a Section S73 application
- Consent has now been implemented.
- Engagement with new owner to deliver scheme and pre commencement conditions submitted
Plymouth City Council Next Steps
- Continue to engage with site owner including an updated PPA
- Deal with planning conditions to allow further construction to commence.
- Deal with any other on site issues through PPA.
If you would like to find out more information about this development, please get in touch.