Derriford Commercial Centre
Derriford, Plymouth, Devon, PL6 5AA
Land situated between Derriford hospital and William Prance Road, and incorporating the North West Quadrant site, Derriford Business Park and the former Seaton Barracks Parade Ground is allocated for a mix of uses comprising new commercial floorspace in the form of retail, medical / health related uses, B1 offices and workshops, leisure and community uses, education, and residential. The overall balance of uses will be influenced over time by market conditions. However, the site should deliver a genuinely mixed use development of urban scale and intensity. The site comprises land in different ownerships and will be developed over time in accordance with a strategic masterplan that sets out an overall framework for delivery and identifies key infrastructure fixes.
Site Information
SITE AREA: 18.7 ha
OWNERSHIP: Multiple Owners, including: PCC, AVIVA Investors Pensions Ltd, Lone Eagle Properties Ltd, South Western Ambulance Service.
EXISTING USE: Business Park
Joint Local Plan Allocation PLY38
Mixed use Commercial Centre (including ‘District Centre’) comprising of retail, medical / health related uses, B1 offices and workshops (c34,000sq m), leisure and community uses, education and residential (c660 dwellings)
Development Progress
- Masterplans in place for northern and southern areas
- Planning permission granted for CDS The Range Office Headquarters and Flagship Store and now full operational (PH1)
- Development partner for phase 2 of former Seaton Barracks Parade Ground selected
- Planning permissions granted on the North West Quadrant Site for second Multi-storey car park and offices, and for a Planned Care Centre
- Planning permission granted for an additional storey on the existing Lone Eagle building which is to be refurbished, with pre-application discussions ongoing about further development on the site
- ‘Seaton Arc’ study completed
Plymouth City Council Next Steps
- Engage with PCC estates and Partner on Seaton Barracks PH2 developer in pre-app scheme.
- Continue to work with AVIVA to bring forward development on NWQ
- Determine outline application for new building on Lone Eagle site
If you would like to find out more information about this development, please get in touch.