Plymouth Waterfront Partnership’s Business Improvement District (PWP BID) has appointed Jon Walton as its new Chief Executive.
Jon, who currently manages the Sovereign (Shopping) Centre and assists with placemaking and regeneration in Weston-super-Mare, has taken the position to help deliver the new 2022-27 BID and develop the role of the PWP in Plymouth.
One of Jon’s main tasks will be to develop strategic links with major stakeholders in the city. This will include involving the BID in the city’s regeneration plans, such as Plymouth City Council’s economic plan, Plymouth’s Visitor Plan for 2020-30 and the emerging Plymouth Sound National Marine Park.
Plymouth currently has two BIDs, Plymouth City Centre Company, which covers the retail heart of the city centre and PWP which covers four square miles of waterfront with its vibrant mix of hospitality, retail, leisure, office, accommodation and attractions. Together they represent more than 1,000 businesses in Plymouth and help to promote and manage regeneration schemes, events and street trading generating millions of pounds of investment.
Nick Buckland OBE, Chair of PWP, said: “BIDs have already made a huge impact in Plymouth and there is great potential to expand their role and make a telling difference to the city’s future development, and to help businesses recover from the impact of Covid-19 pandemic.
“Jon recognises the opportunities BIDs represent and I’m thrilled he is joining us. He has a very impressive track record in delivering BIDs, initially as Plymouth City Centre Manager, then as CEO for the Southampton and Stirling BIDs. He’s also been Chair of the Dundee BID and Dundee Business Forum, plus has input to major regeneration projects, the BritishBIDs Advisory Board and acted as an executive member (cities) of the Scottish Towns Partnership.
This is a key appointment and Jon will be a fantastic asset, who in 2021 won the Sceptre ‘Shopping Centre Manager of the Year’ award. I look forward to working with him over what will be an exciting five years ahead of us, delivering our new Waterfront BID Business Plan.”
Jon was previously City Centre Manager for the Plymouth City Centre Company between 2015 and 2017. His appointment follows the departure of Diane Mansell, PWP’s previous CEO, who steered the Waterfront BID to a successful renewal in November 2021, but who resigned for family reasons.
Jon, who holds a BSc Degree in Business Studies and International Marketing, said “I’m absolutely thrilled to be moving back to Plymouth, to take the Waterfront BID to the next level, making a significant contribution to the city that I’ve fallen in love with. I’ve hugely benefited from working in Southampton, Stirling and especially Weston-super-Mare, but have always regretted leaving Plymouth and I look forward to meeting everyone involved with the Waterfront’s development at the heart of Britain’s Ocean City.
I want to ensure the success the BIDs have enjoyed over the past few years is built upon and together with our key partners, such as at the LEP, Destination Plymouth and the City Council, that we harness the potential of the city’s private sector to continue to drive the Waterfront’s economy forward. Diane will be a hard act to follow but I am determined to build on her fantastic legacy and create a vision and delivery of my own”.
Find out more about Plymouth Waterfront Partnership at