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European Cyber Awareness Month


The South West Regional Cyber Crime Unit is a section of the police which offers free cyber security advice and guidance to organisations across the region.

In the spirit of European Cyber Security Month, we’ve highlighted 5 simple things you can do to enhance your cyber security.

For those who have not encountered us, we are the South West Regional Cyber Crime Unit, a section of the police responsible for tackling cyber dependent crimes and their impact upon businesses, groups, charities and some key critical national infrastructure organisations based in the South West. Examples of such crimes include network intrusion, ransomware and denial of service attacks. We also have a dedicated advice unit who offer free and impartial cyber security guidance to organisations across the South West.

October is officially European Cyber Security Month, so in the spirit of this global initiative, we’ve highlighted 5 simple things you can do to enhance your cyber security:

#1 Backups!

Backing up your important is one of the easiest ways to give you the best chance of continuing in the event of a cyber attack. If you’re hit by ransomware, no problem, just restore your backups and away you go.

#2 Antivirus

Install Antivirus, and keep it updated. We can’t recommend any specific software, but make sure to do some online research around the main name brand providers.

#3 Updates

Updates fix known vulnerabilities in software. If you don’t allow these updates to happen, then you increase the risk of malicious software exploiting these vulnerabilities to infect your devices. It might be inconvenient, but it’s incredibly important that you make sure these updates happen.

#4 Train your staff to spot the signs of Phishing

Phishing emails are one of the leading causes of cyber crime. You need to make sure that your staff recognises the tell-tale signs of phishing, and that they know how to report them. The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) have a thorough guide which can help you here. Make sure that training is regular and mandatory.

#5 Passwords!

Unbelievable though it may seem, weak passwords are still responsible for an alarming number of cyber crimes. It’s vital that ALL of your passwords are:

  • Strong (e.g. use ThreeRandomWords, misspell words, add numbers/symbols/capitals)
  • Different for separate accounts
  • Not shared with anyone else

If you have suffered a cyber attack, then we stress that you need to report it to ActionFraud ( or on 0300 123 2040), as they are the central reporting service for cyber crime. However, if you do have questions and concerns around your cyber security, then please get in touch, we are here to help.

For more information, email us at

We also have active social media channels, and send out regular e-newsletters which cover the current threats we are seeing, and how to defend against them. Contact us via email, or visit our website below to sign up to these newsletters.

Twitter: @swrccu

LinkedIn: SW Regional Cyber Crime Unit


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