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Check out new designs for Brunel Plaza


Commuters, travellers and nearby residents are being invited to check out the latest designs for the new car park and plaza planned for Plymouth’s railway station.

A consultation is due to start today for people give their thoughts on the latest plans for the car park, which is earmarked for a site on the eastern side of the main station complex, in advance of a formal planning application which is programmed to be submitted at the end of August this year.

It’s also a chance to see proposals for the front of the station which looks set to be completely transformed from a narrow road overshadowed by a dark and dingy concrete car park to an airy pedestrianised plaza.

The designs are the latest to be worked up as part of the city’s ambitious plan to create a better welcome to Plymouth via this important gateway.

A number of significant changes are well underway. Demolition contractors are clearing out Intercity Place ahead of a significant refurbishment of the building by the University of Plymouth. Work on the concourse and gateway is also ongoing. The driver simulator building has also been moved.

The focus of this next consultation event is the design for the new multi-storey car park which - subject to planning permission - could be operational by mid-2024, if all goes to plan.

The car park will have around 460 parking spaces and include electric vehicle charging points, with the provision of the numbers to be increase to address growing demand. It will also house a mobility hub where visitors and local residents will be able to rent electric vehicles – possibly e-scooters and e-bikes - on a short term basis to get around the city.

The front of the station looks set to be transformed beyond recognition with a pedestrianised plaza greeting passengers as they leave the station.

Under the plans private vehicles will no longer be able to stop in front of the station and instead be directed to the new multi storey car park. The existing vehicle entrance to the station will be widened at the top of North Road East into a two way access to the new multi storey car park.

Similarly, taxi traffic will also be moved from the front of the station and a new taxi rank to the west of the station created. Taxis will be able to enter and leave from a new access lane from Saltash Road.

The existing multi storey car park would be demolished, when the new multi-storey car has opened, as part of the package which is all designed to make the welcome into the city much more attractive and to improve the links between the train station and the city centre.

Leader of Plymouth City Council Councillor Nick Kelly said: “Plymouth is an impressive looking city. Our station, it is fair to say, is not. But thanks to this project, this is changing.

“Bit by bit, the transformation is happening. Every day people who live nearby can see changes and it’s great to see a real sense of momentum. It’s not a scheme that can happen all at once so we are keen to hear what local people as well as commuters think of the next stages.

“As a new administration we are committed to greater consultation and engagement regarding major projects within the city and this is a good opportunity to provide your views on a gateway development for Plymouth.”

The consultation will feature an update on designs which were initially unveiled in the railway station master plan and then consulted on in September 2019.

Panels will be displayed on the concourse next Wednesday (14 July).

Consultants from Stripe Consultancy, Tetra Tech, AHR Architects and Plymouth City Council staff will be on hand to talk to commuters and residents to explain the plans in more detail.

They will be on the station’s concourse from 7.30am to 10am and then in the afternoon from 4pm to 6pm.

If you are not able to make it, the plans will be online to look at and comment on from 9 July for three weeks at