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Business Support to help and advise your business to grow and export


Heart of the South West Growth Hub Business Review Available
Eligible businesses can now access a fully funded one to one advice session with an external Business Adviser through the Growth Hub. The service provides you with an opportunity to speak to an expert adviser about your business and growth ambitions.
For your local Growth Hub details click here

FREE Mentoring Support to Grow Your Business in the Region
The Growth Support Programme is an EU funded support package for ERDF Eligible businesses based in Devon, Plymouth, Somerset and Torbay. The programme offers an initial 3 hour diagnostic to businesses wishing to grow or expand. Find out more, click here

Help to grow your business through collaboration and innovation
Knowledge Transfer Partnership is the programme that supports innovation and promotes business growth, (part funded by Innovate UK) provides resources and expertise to thriving organisations who wish to innovate, expand or improve their competitiveness and productivity. Find out more, click here

International Trade
Looking to overseas markets to grow your business is a big decision for any size business. To support you in your growth plans Devon Chamber offers International Trade advice and support, via our International Trade team. Find out more, click here

SWMAS – South West Manufacturing Advisory Service

SWMAShelp and inspire ambitious SME manufacturers to improve their productivity, develop their capabilities, and enter new markets. Find out more, click here