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Update about ARG discretionary funding


Following our update earlier this week, we are pleased to confirm that the 480 eligible priority applications received for the ARG are now being processed and will receive confirmation of payment next week.

We are also confirming today that all remaining eligible businesses who applied for the ARG will receive a payment from this scheme.

As we have previously stated, we received significantly more applications than grant allocation from government. In the interest of fairness, we have made the decision to pay a reduced grant to all remaining eligible business that applied, rather than refusing a large amount of applications due to the limited funds available. This approach mirrors many other Local Authorities.

Having reviewed the available remaining funding, eligible business applications from outside of the priority criteria will receive the following reduced grant amounts:

  • Businesses that do not pay rates will be eligible for a grant of £1,500
  • Businesses with a rateable value of £15,000 or under will be eligible for £2,100
  • Businesses with a rateable value between £15,000 and £51,000 will be eligible for £3,150
  • Businesses with a rateable value of £51,000 or over will be eligible for £4,700

We will process these payments as quickly as possible and will hopefully contact businesses early next week to confirm payment amount and details.

The ARG is a one off business grant, intended to help with fixed business costs. See more details on this scheme, and the priority sector criteria on our website here.