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Street trading fees set to stay the same next year


Plymouth City Council has confirmed that there will be no increase in fees for street traders during 2021/2022, following a licensing committee meeting this morning.

Usually street trading fees increase by around 1.5 per cent each year, reflecting the rise in associated costs. However there will be no additional charges for the next financial year, as the Council looks to encourage new traders and support existing traders that have been affected due to coronavirus and the subsequent lack of footfall.

The city’s street trading sites throughout the city centre and waterfront play an important role, bringing vibrancy to the streets and making Plymouth a more colourful place to visit.

There are 30 sites across the city where street traders can sell their wares, including the popular spots for ice cream vans on Plymouth Hoe as well as high-footfall locations in the city centre.

Traders are required to apply in advance for consent to trade. Applications are reviewed to ensure that they are compatible with the location and won’t negatively impact on any permanent traders nearby.

You can find out more about applying to become a street trader on the Plymouth City Council website or email with any enquiries.