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Plymouth launches Plastic Free Directory


A new directory will showcase the Plymouth people, businesses and organisations doing vital work to reduce their plastic use.

The Plymouth Plastic Free Directory will list all those working to reduce single use plastics to help the environment in Plymouth and beyond.

The directory is part of the city-wide partnership that is tackling single use plastics in Plymouth - including the Plymouth Plan for Plastics, the Preventing Plastic Pollution project and the work of the Britain’s Ocean City Plastic Free Taskforce, which is made up of public, private and voluntary sector organisations including the Council and Environment Plymouth.

Now, organisations of all types are now being invited to get involved and promote the work they are doing and connect with other like-minded organisations.

Councillor James Stoneman, Cabinet Member for Climate Change, said: “Here in Plymouth, we are serious about tackling the causes of climate change and single use plastics is high on the agenda.

“I’m really pleased that this directory will be available for organisations across the city to network and share best practise on their individual efforts to eradicate plastics from their operations.”

The Directory will be split into three categories:

  • Businesses, Tourism & Hospitality
  • Education - including schools, colleges and universities
  • Community organisations, volunteers and charities.

Each body will be able to demonstrate their plastic free culture to potential customers, partners and clients who value a sustainable ethos.

To be listed in the directory, organisations don’t need to have eliminated plastic use, just be able to demonstrate that you are working to reduce it with the option of signing up to the Plastic Free Charter and making a pledge to continue to reduce plastic use. Charter signatories will be given special prominence in the Directory.

The Directory is the latest project that’s part of a wealth of work taking place in Plymouth to reduce plastic use.

In December 2017, Environment Plymouth members joined the Plastic Free Communities project being run by Surfers Against Sewage and began the task of gaining their recognised accreditation for action on avoidable plastic.

This was supported by the Council’s commitment in January 2018 and by the launch of the Plan for Plastics in June 2018, the Code of Conduct in July 2019 and the Plastics Task Group.

By June 2018, ‘Plastic Free’ status had been gained by the city’s waterfront and, by June 2019, the status had been extended to the whole of the city; the biggest community in the UK to gain the status to date and one of only 73 in the UK.

The Plastic Free Directory is part of the Plymouth Sound National Marine Park website, and the work is associated with helping conserve the city’s natural assets.

It’s simple to be part of it and if you’d like to be featured, all you need to do is fill in the form on the new website:

The Plymouth Plastic Free Directory is supported by the EU Interreg Preventing Plastic Pollution project.