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Plymouth businesses encouraged to become net zero heroes


New, free support is now available to help Plymouth businesses become carbon neutral.

The ‘Make it Net Zero - Plymouth’ programme, delivered by SWMAS Ltd on behalf of Plymouth City Council, will give businesses the advice and guidance they need to become net zero.

Net zero refers to the balance between the volume of greenhouse gas produced and removed from the atmosphere, so businesses can reach it when the amount added to the environment is completely offset by the amount removed.

The programme aims to engage with more than 200 people over the next few months and hopes to encourage more than 50 local SMEs to commit to becoming net zero. This group of businesses will be the trailblazers, showcasing best practice for others to follow.

Councillor Nick Kelly, Leader of Plymouth City Council, said: “This project is incredibly timely, with COP26 currently taking place and the whole world looking at how we can tackle climate change.

“We have committed to Plymouth becoming carbon neutral by 2030 and protecting the environment for future generations, and everyone in the city has a role to play in this. But we know that it can be daunting for businesses to change their processes and confront the challenges of becoming net zero, which is why this comprehensive support programme is so crucial.”

The fully-funded support includes an event programme focusing on themes around net zero, including:

  • Carbon footprinting
  • Circular economy
  • Best practice approaches
  • Peer learning and case studies

Businesses who engage with the programme will receive in-depth support, with:

  • A comprehensive business review and action plan on where to start
  • A carbon footprint report to identify their baseline starting position
  • An action plan to help achieve net zero within the committed timeline
  • A video case study to help promote the business and its commitment to net zero

Paul Gilbert, Make it Net Zero Programme Lead said: “Plymouth has committed to reach net zero emissions by 2030, and all businesses in the area will need to consider their own activities to help achieve this goal. Make it Net Zero – Plymouth offers local businesses an opportunity to capitalise on fully funded support to take their first steps towards carbon neutrality in simple, achievable ways.

“A common barrier is understanding where to start, and this programme can really help businesses overcome this and progress their own unique net zero journey. The programme has been designed to enable businesses of all types to understand their current carbon footprint, and build a plan to help them achieve net zero. This will not only benefit each individual business, but also contribute to Plymouth achieving their 2030 target.”

The programme also highlights the wide range of expertise and support that exists in the region. Businesses will have a clear action plan and connections with local universities and experts that can then help them overcome the specific and individual challenges they face.

‘Make it Net Zero - Plymouth’ is funded until March 2022 and a virtual launch event will take place on Tuesday 30 November, giving businesses an introduction to the programme. Find out more and register on the SWMAS website.