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May + Funding Options


Funding options is our monthly bulletin about forthcoming opportunities

May +

Grants for charities to develop websites and Facebook advertising
Transform Foundation aims to encourage investment in digital technologies, skills and marketing in the charity sector. Offering grants to charities (with annual revenue between £350,000 and £30million) to develop websites and advertise through Facebook. Find out more, click here
DEADLINE: On going

Horizon 2020: EU Research Programme
EU funding for large-scale, international collaborative research projects. New work programme for 2018-2020: UK businesses, universities, public bodies, charities and healthcare providers can still participate. Find out more, click here
DEADLINE: On going

Horizon 2020 Live longer, better, healthier: new innovation funding
£300 million from the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund will support our ageing population, with opportunities for businesses and researchers to work together. Find out more, click here
DEADLINE ongoing

Project: ResponsiblE pharMacy practicE anD societY (REMEDY)
University of Portsmouth, UK are looking for funding partners. This project is about Specific Objective 3.2 - Enhance and protect coastal and transitional water ecosystems “pioneer utilising the role of the pharmacist to manage the impact of pharmaceuticals on the environment.” They are looking for potential partners defined as: Universities, research institutes, professional pharmacy organisations, commercial pharmacy organisations, pharmacy businesses, organisations involved in environmental toxicology, socioeconomic aspects of health and illness, public health and antimicrobial resistance. Please telephone Helena Herrera of University of Portsmouth on 00(44)2392845665 or email Christelle Pereira - Interreg facilitator on

START DATE October 2018 DEADLINE Spring 2023

Funding Project: WHE-STORVAL (Waste HEat Recovery, STOrage and VAlorization) [provisional]
University of Picardie, are looking for funding partners. This project is about Specific objective 2.1 Increase the development and uptake of existing or new low-carbon technologies in the sectors that have the highest potential for a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. They are looking for potential partners defined as: Professional organisation in the field of energy, SMEs with experience in waste heat recovery and energy efficiency, Industries and industrial areas as heat producers or end-users, Councils with interest in energy transition plan, Universities/R&D centres with research activities related to the above topics. Please contact Dr M. CHADLI on or email Agi Musset Interreg facilitator on –

START DATE October 2018 DEADLINE Spring 2023

Up to £150k grant for local community capital projects
One off grants scheme in 2018 to support Capital projects that will benefit local communities across the UK. Grants range from £30,000 – £150,000. Find out more, click here
DEADLINE 30 June 2018

Government Promotes Agri-tech Revolution with £90m for Transforming Food Production
UK businesses can make connections and find out about £90 million of investment to improve food and farming, as part of the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund. Find out more, click here

€2.7 Billion in H2020 Research Funding for Information and Communication Technologies
The 2018-2020 Industrial Leadership Information and Communication Technologies (LEIT) Work Programme covers ICT technology in a comprehensive way, covering technologies for Digitising European Industry, HPC, Big Data and Cloud, 5G and Next Generation Internet. Find out more, click here

£21m to boost UK’s world-class tech sector and spread the benefits across the country
The UK’s world-leading tech sector will go from strength-to-strength after plans unveiled today set out a £21 million investment to create a new national network of regional tech hubs in areas across the country, including Belfast, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Birmingham. Find out more, click here