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Marine Tech Expo 2018


Marine Tech Expo 2018 showcases the vibrant marine sector, inspiring knowledge base, and excellent opportunities for collaboration present in Plymouth and the wider South West.

The Expo is where bold conversations start, collaborations begin, inspiration is re-charged and your networks are expanded. We are specifically targeting delegates to maximise the networking opportunities available to engage with fellow innovators, creators, thought leaders, decision makers, institutes, investors and entrepreneurs.
Join us on 21 June 2018 in Plymouth Britain’s Ocean City, a historic and modern thinking marine-tech city, to find out how you can take the next step, create new connections and take off globally.

We are proud to announce Ralph Rayner as our first key speaker at this year's Marine Tech Expo. Ralph is Sonardyne's International Non-Executive Chairman, President of the Society for Underwater Technology, Professorial Research Fellow at the London School of Economics and is responsible for industry advocacy and outreach for the US Integrated Ocean Observing System at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Ralph plays an active part in a number of professional bodies concerned with marine technology and is a fellow of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology, the Society for Underwater Technology, the Marine Technology Society and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. He serves on the editorial boards of International Ocean Systems and the journal of Underwater Technology and is editor in chief of the Journal of Operational Oceanography.

Click here to sign up to the Marine Tech Expo newsletter to obtain tickets