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LEGO Robotics and 360 Film-making for children at Market Hall


Throughout March Real Ideas developed and delivered two brand new children’s tech clubs at the Market Hall - 360 Film Making and LEGO Robotics.

Over the course of 6 Tuesday afternoon sessions, the participating children worked with the Real Ideas team and a LEGO Education Trainer to develop their knowledge and understanding of programming and coding, as well as enhancing their soft skills such as teamwork and communication. The children worked with LEGO Spike and LEGO Prime robotics kits, focusing each week on a different activity. Using the skills they developed, they worked individually and in pairs to build different fairground rides and programmed them using light and motion sensors, progressing in difficulty as the club continued.

At the final session, the children worked towards a final Showcase Event in which they were able to show their friends, family, and carers their LEGO creations and received a certificate to recognise their hard work and achievements.

The second children’s tech club also launched in early March - ‘Junior Tech Club: 360 Filmmaking’. Open to all children aged between 7 and 12, this beginners club gave the children the opportunity to become familiar with 360 cameras and filming for 360 environments whilst developing their understanding of the basics of filmmaking.

Throughout the 6 weeks, the group were supported by a fulldome film practitioner to plan, storyboard, shoot and edit their own 360 film which was then shown in the Market Hall immersive dome. The children harnessed their creativity to come up with their owns ideas for the film which were then all brought together into the final film ‘Alien Invasion’.

At the final session, the children’s family, friends, and carers were invited to join Real Ideas at the Market Hall immersive dome for the official premier of the film and showcase event where they also received a certificate to recognise their achievement. All children, families and Real Ideas staff watched the film together and were delighted with the final outcome.

This activity is part of the iMayflower project and has been supported by The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, who fund the Cultural Development Fund, which is administered by Arts Council England.

Supported using public funding by DCMS and ACE