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iMayflower Launch


Plymouth has been awarded a grant of nearly £3.5M from the Cultural Development Fund (CDF) to deliver the iMayflower project; one of only 5 projects in England and the only one in the South West. It’s a three year project that has also raised £2.5M of match funding from partners. The aim of CDF is to support localities to develop transformative culture-led economic growth and productivity strategies by investing in our local digital creative industries.

Key Investment Areas

  • Place shaping - delivering large scale cultural and creative events to inspire and enrich lives: Mayflower 400 and Ignite
  • Creative sector business support – growing our digital creative industries, focusing on Immersive Tech and Digital Fabrication: Market Hall Immersive and The Bridge
  • Skills and learning programme – increasing the creative and business skills of our young people, communities, graduate and professionals: Smart Citizens
  • Access to innovative finance – providing accessible start-up and scale-up funding for businesses in our creative economy.

The project will:

  • Create 156.5 full time equivalent direct jobs;
  • Create 191 full time equivalent indirect jobs;
  • Support 218 businesses;
  • Deliver 1,340 courses with accreditation;
  • Engage 3,020 people through workshops, events and non-accredited courses;
  • Reach an audience of 1,414,829

To find out more please contact:

Tracey Beeck, Project Manager by email or 01752 304035

Jill Crane, Project Officer by email or 01752 304391

iMayflower partners

iMayflower is delivered in partnership with Creative England, Crowdfunder, Destination Plymouth, Plymouth City Council, Plymouth College of Art, Real Ideas Organisation and University of Plymouth