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February Funding Options


Electric Vehicle Charging, Sustainable Energy Solutions SBRI Competition - Phase One Open

Projects should offer smart grid, storage and generation capabilities, to overcome the current limitations imposed by EV charging infrastructure. The solution should incorporate renewable on-site generation, battery storage, bi-directional smart meters and an innovative software system. Each of the technological components should complement one another. This will create a closed-loop, innovative EV charging solution with smart grid, vehicle-to-grid and capacity management capabilities. To find out more, click here

Deadline: 7 February 2018

European Maritime & Fisheries Fund: Sustainable Blue Economy

International partnerships to make innovative marine technologies market and investor ready or tackle marine litter. Find out more, click here

DEADLINE: 8 February 2018

EUREKA: PENTA Call 3 Launched

PENTA is a EUREKA Cluster supporting innovation in micro- and nanoelectronics enabled systems and applications along the entire electronics value chain as described by the new ECS Strategic Research Agenda. The focus of Call 3 will be Transport & Smart Mobility, Health & Well-Being and Digital Industry, although projects in other areas will also be considered. To find out more, click here

Deadline: 13 February 2018

Entries are Now Open for the Inaugural Ray Fitzwalter £4,000 Prize for Investigative Journalists Combating Fake News.

The award recognises the outstanding investigative journalism outside London. The winner will receive a £4,000 cash prize to be partly spent on a future investigation during 2018, alongside the opportunity to be mentored by a panel of distinguished investigative journalists. To find out more, click here

Deadline: 14 February 2018

World Anti-Doping Agency - Call for 2018 Science Research Grants Open

WADA issues a call for proposals for its 2018 Social Science Research Grant Program. For the 2018 Program, in addition to the topics below, WADA’s Education Committee is making an open call for proposals.

Measuring the effectiveness of existing anti-doping interventions and strategies
Understanding the experience and role of athlete support personnel in the pursuit of clean sport and doping prevention
Understanding how athletes and stakeholders view the legitimacy of anti-doping rules and the wider anti-doping system
For more info click here

Deadline: 15 February 2018

Clean Sky 2 Programme - Seventh Call for Proposals Now Open

A Joint Technology Initiative (JTI), a public-private partnership that brings together companies, universities, public laboratories, innovative SMEs and the European Commission to develop and demonstrate breakthrough technologies for the civil aircraft market and to cut aircraft emissions and noise. Find out more, click here

Deadline: 27 February 2018

Applications Open for Mülheim Water Award 2018

People or institutions from Europe can apply with innovative procedures, products, concepts and new findings with a strong focus on practical use and application within water management. Application-ready solutions to meet future challenges in water systems and water analysis will also be accepted. Find out more, click here

Deadline: 27 February 2018

€2.7 Billion in H2020 Research Funding for Information and Communication Technologies

The 2018-2020 Industrial Leadership Information and Communication Technologies (LEIT) Work Programme covers ICT technology in a comprehensive way, covering technologies for Digitising European Industry, HPC, Big Data and Cloud, 5G and Next Generation Internet. Find out more, click here

£21m to boost UK’s world-class tech sector and spread the benefits across the country

The UK’s world-leading tech sector will go from strength-to-strength after plans unveiled today set out a £21 million investment to create a new national network of regional tech hubs in areas across the country, including Belfast, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Birmingham. Find out more, click here