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Business Spotlight: Planet Devices


This month’s ‘Business Spotlight’ is on Plymouth business Planet Devices Ltd, and we spoke to James Davidson.

What is the name of the company and how long have you been in Plymouth?

Planet Devices Ltd. The company changed hands in late 2023, though we have been working on the product and service for one year (circa May 2023). Insofar as Fingoti Limited, that company (which is used by Planet Devices as a contractor for hardware and software) was registered in 2018, and has been in Plymouth ever since.

What is the sector that you specialise in?


In 20 words, how would you describe the business?

Planet Devices are enabling the monitoring and control of renewable energy technologies, in a remote and cost-effective fashion.

Do you supply to Plymouth/SW/UK-wide/overseas?

Yes to all, subject to regulatory testing and compliance.

What would you say was your best-selling product?

Our single product is Atmo, the service is called Strato.

What would you say is the best thing about doing business in Plymouth?

Being near to the sea and University (as we are graduates), the University have been very helpful thus far.

And what of the future … where do you see Planet Devices in 10 years time?

Selling innovative eco-centric products and services to all market sectors. Helping people understand their role in Net Zero, and enabling carbon reduction goals to be met. Employing 10s to 100s of local people for R&D, administration, manufacturing, procurement, fulfilment, marketing, finance, and all other business needs.

We prefer to keep equity in the business, and staff local. We only subcontract on a needs-be basis, 80-90% of activities are handled in-house. Thus, we want to push this figure to 100%, keeping the expertise and knowledge in a local business.

And how about yourself … how long have you worked at Planet Devices and what is your role?

One year as Information Developer.

I am a technical writer for a Greentech company, allowing renewable energy technologies to be monitored and controlled in a vendor-agnostic, cost-effective, easy-to-use fashion. I write user-facing documentation/copy, act as project manager, aid in design of the product/service, handle end-to-end recruitment, craft social media posts and mailshots, arrange PR and marketing activities, write legal contracts, ensure CRM is up-to-date, ensure Health and Safety regulations are followed, conduct market research, join shareholder meetings to direct the future of the business, in addition to other responsibilities.

How do you spend your time outside of work?

I like to read (fiction and non-fiction), listen to music (preferably electronic, rock, metal or regional pop), cook and bake, and so on! I am a DJ/presenter at the local FCR Live (Ferndale Community Radio, based in North Prospect) radio station, and aim to do more volunteering in the future (such as mentoring at University of Plymouth).

If you could have a business lunch with anyone who could significantly influence you/the business, who would that be and why?

Utility companies and renewable energy technology manufacturers. Primarily Octopus Energy and myenergi. Planet Devices are already working with E.ON Energy, British Gas, and other large industry players.